Mass times
MONDAY - 7am - Holy Mass with Divine Office
TUESDAY - 7am - Holy Mass with Divine Office
WEDNESDAY - 7am - Holy Mass with Divine Office (last Wednesday in month mass is at 7pm)
THURSDAY - 6.30pm (6pm Eucharistic Adoration)
FRIDAY - 6.30pm (First Friday in month masses are at 10am and 6.30pm)
SATURDAY - 6.30pm - Youth Mass (Readings in English)
SUNDAY - 8.30am and 10.30am - PRO POPULO
Friday, Saturday and Sunday - half hour prior to Mass. First Friday - one hour prior to Mass
BIBLE STUDY GROUP: Wednesday 6pm
CENAKUL (prayer group): Monday 10am
ADORERS OF THE BLOOD OF CHRIST (prayer group): Wednesday 10am
"ST CECILE" CHOIR:Thursday 7pm (Sisters' house)
YOUTH GROUP: Tuesday 8pm
SECULAR FRANCISCANS: First Sunday 4.30pm
LIBRARY: Monday - Friday 10am-2pm
CROATIAN AUSTRALIAN WELFARE CENTRE: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday upon appointment. 9610 1146
the Franciscan Youth (youfra)
is a youth group that is held on Thursday nights inside the St. Nikola Tavelić Centre from 7.30pm-9.30pm. The youth of St. Nikola Tavelić come together in order to gain and share their knowledge into the life of St. Francis and various other saints and issues relating to the Catholic Church. During our sessions we discuss certain topics, sharing what we know about the topic and father shares his knowledge with us. We may also watch movies relating to the topic and even do some practical things. We socialise sharing what is going on within our daily lives.
YOUFRA allows the youth of the Croatian community to get together, bond with God and each other and try to live a Franciscan lifestyle. It allows the Croatian youth to come to know each other better knowing we share similar values. FRAMA is open and welcoming to any new members wishing to join and it would be a pleasure to see some new faces there.
Youth Group
It is a great joy that in our Community we have so many young people who are „regulars“. Every Tuesday night after they finish their work, or studies, after 8pm they gather from all parts of Sydney at our Center for a meeting. You can call it fun night, Bible Studies night, talk, or something else... It is important that they like to come and they enjoy being here.
Some of them wrotte why:
A.S.: I enjoy spending time with other people attending this meeting, discussing religious issues, stories from the past and our stories being shared, it become a great learning experience. I started coming to the Youth Group at the age of 17 and the reason why is because I was going through a really tough time in my life and I was struggling with depression and anxiety, and I thought that spending time in a calm and quiet environment joining in spiritual talks would help. And it did. Those talks were quite soothing and took me away from from usual day to day routine, and I felt that I was coming closer to God and started to feel better about myself. So, I kept coming, I realise now how important is for me to have that spiritual experience I had at the Retreats we organized with other young people from our Community. There is also that social element, we were organizing some charity events, selling cookies and coffee, some time we have a party night cooking something, or just enjoying ourselves with a coup of coffee or tea. It would be great that other young people from our Croatian Community here at Sydney would join us.
A.G.: These meetings at St Johns Park are not only socially enjoyable, but more importantly they has strengthened my faith. It is six years already that I attend them, an my life has dramatically changed for better, it has opened my eyes to see God in my everyday life, to see God in every person I know and meet. That is one of the greatest gifts that I have received in my life. Through those years I have been able to share what I learnt with my family and friends and I have seen how it strengthen our relationships and our faith. We discuss current social issues, we learn how to understand the Bible, and how to apply that knowledge in our everyday life. It truly changes the way you live. Along with personal development, I have met many new people, learnt from their life stories and made many strong friendships that will last a life time. I wish that many young adults from our Community would join, so that they also could have that life changing experience.
J.A.: Initially, when I was browsing Facebook posts, I came across an advertisement for a Catholic Youth retreat organised by dedicated Croatian Catholic Youth. I decided that it would be great for my personal growth in spirituality and faith to join. It was also an opportunity to gather more information about how a young Catholic should live in this world, and to meet other young people with the same ideas. It made me realize that now I try to grow in my faith on everyday basis, and it helps me to deal with all daily challenges of my life.
S.A.: It is amazing to find people I can relate to and to find true friends that share the same passion for faith. I would strongly encourage all young people in our Croatian Community to attend, those who are looking to strengthen their faith to meet like-minded young Catholics and be truly free to express their feelings and thoughts. It can be hard to be a devout Catholic in this world, but by being around the people who feel the same and who don't want to conform to the pressures of society enables me to keep onto my faith and even grow stronger as I know these friends will support me every step of my life.